Since 2011, Skillingtons has been checking the large 1625 monument by Nicholas Stone in the Monson Mausoleum at the Grade I listed St John the Baptist Church in South Carlton, Lincolnshire. Back in 2015-16, a report was commissioned on the condition of the monument, including the results of paint analysis and repeated surveys. The Mausoleum (by Watkins, of 1897-98) was restored by the family in 2009. It forms an integral part of the church building, and the Sir John and Lady Monson monument now stands within it. It is a large and elaborate free -standing canopied six-poster structure in alabaster, with two life-size effigies recumbent upon a chest below, and eight smaller kneeling figures along three sides. The monument is constructed of well over 170 individual stone pieces, and has a brick structure behind the canopy as well as a core (probably of brick) to the chest tomb. In May 2024, some limited conservation works began. This included cleaning the canopy in situ and checking its stability, dusting and cleaning the recumbent effigies and base of the tomb, assessing the surrounding ledges for stability, addressing previously failed repairs, and focusing attention on the kneeling figures […]
Skillingtons have just been awarded the contract for re-flooring St. Nicholas church at Wells, on the north Norfolk coast. The existing floor of hard plain quarry tiles and (mainly) woodblock, all laid on concrete in the 19th century, has been giving problems for years, particularly with the wood rotting. Having won the work by competitive tender we have been working with the client to design a suitable layout of Ancaster Weatherbed flagstones in the nave, aisles and Lady Chapel – in total about 400m2. We have also been looking at a finish that combines a high enough degree of polish whilst achieving sufficient slip resistance. The work commences in July and will take about 20 weeks.
We have for some years been operating out of two premises in Grantham, Baxter’s Yard – which was formerly a town joiners’ workshop – and a modern light industrial unit. Running backwards and forwards has never been ideal, and we have been short of space for some time, so when an adjacent industrial unit became available we leapt at the chance to take on a long-term lease. The new unit needs fitting out for offices and workshops, which will take the rest of this year to reach any kind of conclusion, but once done we will have around 7500 sq ft of secure indoor space as well as a secure outdoor compound all on one site. We will be expanding our stone processing capability and creating a new ‘wet’ mortar and plaster mixing area here as well! When things are further advanced we will have to change our postal address from the current Baxter’s Yard one, which we have had for some 15 years now – and rather liked! Watch this space.